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  • Manchester Cabins

How to Maintain a Professional Anti-Vandal Office Space

In situations where you are required to vacate your main worksite, portable anti-vandal cabins can provide an easy solution. Keeping this building just as professional as your main building, however, can be challenging. In this article, you can find helpful tips to keep your anti-vandal office space at a high standard.

Manage Waste

One thing that can instantly prevent people from wanting to visit your workplace is unmanaged levels of waste. From overflowing food bins to strewn papers, a messy workplace rarely makes a positive impression on a visitor, even if the building is only temporary. To manage levels of waste, make sure staff are provided with plenty of accessible bins, and that these bins are routinely emptied and cleaned.

Routine Cleaning

While working in a temporary building, it’s still incredibly important to keep the space clean and hygienic. Routine cleaning tasks should include hoovering, dusting and sanitising, helping to prevent the workplace from looking dirty and becoming unpleasant to work in. Dirt is easily noticed by guests too, so make sure there’s nothing for them to spot!

Clean Windows

Unmaintained features can make any building, including portable ones, look uncared for. While this may not seem an issue, it can have an impact on both your staff and any visitors. Often, an unkempt building can affect your brand image, damaging your reputation and preventing potential customers from wanting to work with your business. On the other hand, the disruption to natural lighting can have a psychological impact on your staff, making them feel trapped in the space.

Monitor Staff Attitudes

Occasionally, the removal of staff from their more permanent worksite can encourage behaviour that is considered less than professional. Productivity may fall as behaviour slips, impacting your overall output. Reinforcing professional behaviour through reminders and meetings can help to keep workplace standards high, therefore helping to keep workplace standards high.

Inspect for Damage

Portable building damage can often have a larger impact than simply deterring customers. Small areas of damage can lead to bigger issues, including flooding through building cracks, for example. To prevent your temporary workplace from looking uncared for or becoming unusable, make sure to routinely check over the structure for signs of damage and seek professional repair services if damage is found. 

Anti-Vandal Offices in Manchester and Beyond

Need a professional anti-vandal office in the Manchester area for your business? Our range at Manchester Cabins could be right for you. We offer high-quality portable buildings, readily equipped with the fixtures you need to retain productivity while you’re out of your permanent workplace.


Our business caters to a variety of places, from anti-vandal offices in Wigan to storage containers in Manchester. Discover the areas we cater to on our website, where you can also find out more about us. For any further information or to shop our products, please get in touch with our team directly.

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